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Yvonne Scheepers

For years I photographed on automatic mode. I had invested in a good camera but I couldn't get out of the auto mode.

Then looking for a photography course without immediately having to follow a long cycle. I was looking for a half day workshop to learn the basics of photography. While searching I ended up with Kees van Dongen. He offered a 'half day workshop' photography.

Kees explains the basic principles of photography in a pleasant and clear manner. I also have a nice 'cheat sheet' with which I can practice in practice. I must say that I have achieved much better results soon. And And I knew from acquaintances that photography becomes much more fun when you decide how the photo will eventually become. It just gets more fun now!
Kees, thank you for your patience and your lesson and I will come back in the future to also follow a workshop Photoshop.

Yvonne Scheepers - Eindhoven

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